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Vigyanlabs Innovations Private Limited awarded NASSCOM’s AI Game Changer Award 2021 for Innovation in Sustainability  

AI nasscom - AI Gamechangers 2021

National Association of Software and Services Companies (NASSCOM) announced the winners for its flagship AI Gamechangers Program on the sidelines of the Xperience AI Summit 2021. Continuing its efforts to promote AI-led innovation, NASSCOM in collaboration with Microsoft as the ‘Innovation Partner’ and Deloitte as the ‘Knowledge Partner’ had announced the AI Gamechanger Program to recognise innovative and impactful AI-led use cases, and further encourage AI adoption in the country. 


The program gathered over 300+applications and with 6 months of selection process across industries and sectors including Retail & CPG, BFSI, Healthcare and Life Sciences, Agriculture, Manufacturing and Industrial Automotive, Education, Technology, Media and Telecommunications, Energy and Natural Resources, Transport and Logistics, and Travel, Tourism and Hospitality. The shortlisted applicants further presented their use-cases to an eclectic panel comprising of industry veterans, technology professionals, academicians and subject matter experts who evaluated the use-cases on three primary aspects of problem-solving, solution innovation and impact achieved. 


Vigyanlabs has been offering globally,  Intelligent Power Management with PowerMind AI  (IPM+)  sustainability solutions for saving energy in Endpoints, Servers and Smart Buildings. Our award-winning innovation describes how IPM+  plays a vital role in Organisational Sustainability. IPM+ customers have saved 30% energy, on average, and have seen cooling energy reductions, too, as lesser energy consumption of Endpoints means lesser heat generated in buildings. IPM+ solution is also available for Data Centers and Smart buildings making it a total one-stop solution for sustainability. 


IPM+ has saved more than 1,800 GWH energy to date and has been deployed over more than 6 million endpoint devices across 26,000+ customer office locations worldwide. This energy saved is equivalent to powering the entire city of Mumbai for almost 12-18 months. That is equivalent to a CO2 reduction of 800,000+ tons, which translates into roughly 1.8 million acres of US forests. 

NASSCOM released an AI compendium that comprises success stories of the AI innovators, 50 use-cases across 15 categories and industry verticals. The purpose of this compendium is to restate the growing significance and impact of AI applications and to make India as an emerging hub for innovative and transformational AI solutions and investments. The compendium features stories on 15 ‘Gamechangers’ (winners) and 12 ‘Challengers’ (1st runner up) along with 3 ‘Exemplars’ (high-impact and at-scale AI implementations by the government) Additionally, 18 innovators (2nd runner up) and 2 special mentions have also been covered, bringing the tally to 50. 

As organizations seek to responsibly address sustainability, it is pertinent to remember that incremental change requires the aid of technology and optimized use of resources to ensure a greener, safer future.


The full report can be accessed here – NASSCOM AI GAME CHANGERS 2021


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